The rapid menopausal decrease of estrogen significantly contributes to the hormonal skin aging. By the use of corresponding estrogen hormone creams thickness and elasticity of the skin can be improved, and also skin dryness as well as wrinkle depth can be reduced. However, many women reject such hormone creams because of their potential risks. Phyto estrogens provide an alternative and stand out due to their good effectiveness as well as due to their excellent compatibility and safety. A variety of plant foods contain phyto estrogens and especially the isoflavones which are tried and tested for their effect on the skin. Soy beans show the highest content of isoflavones and their extract is used in our CEROMONE preparations.
The NEW CEROMONE LINE BY NORA BODE CONTAINS AN ACTIVE COMPLEX OF PHYTO ESTROGENS (ISOFLAVONES) AND MODERN HIGH TECH INGREDIENTS. Isoflavones in the CEROMONE line have been thoroughly tested for their effectiveness in various studies. Here are the results:
- Same as with the application of real estrogen, the natural loss of the soluble skin collagen is slowed down, simultaneously the growth of new collagen fibers is stimulated.
- The regular use of isoflavones has a gently working brightening effect on the skin, and especially age spots gradually fade away.
- The CEROMONE isoflavones improve the skin tolerance towards aggressive UV radiation.
- Applied after epilation, the CEROMONE isoflavones slow down the growth of new hair.